MOVIES: Tropic Thunder
Tugg Speedman (Ben Stiller) is an A-List actor on his way to becoming on the D-List.
Jeff Portnoy (Jack Black) is a comedic actor making fart movies, playing all of the characters in the movie in a fat suit.
Kirk Lazarus (Robert Downey Jr.) is an award winning method actor known for fully involving himself into each character he is casted in. 'Nuff said.
All three were actors were hired to play as a unit of soldiers based on the book pretty much Saving Private Ryan. But when the antics of the actors caused the movie to be behind production by a month (3 days into shooting) and over budget $100 million, the Director tries to get them to be more in character by dropping them off in the middle of the woods and scaring them with special effects to act more like soldiers.
Something goes horribly wrong and Tugg and his actor friends are caught by a gang of drug dealers and they still thing it's part of the movie.
By all means this movie should've been fucking hilarious. Like I should be rolling on the floor laughing, busting a gut. There were moments that were funny, and they should've used that as a momentum to lead up to something funnier than the one before, but it was a stop and go comedy. You'd chuckle here, then wait for it... wait for it... Chuckle. Nothing was absolutely hilarious. The previews were better than the movie in it's entirety.
However, there are only two things about this movie that are absolutely worth seeing. First is the opening sequence. They're mock previews and upcoming trailers of the actors in Tropic Thunder. Brilliant. Then there's the closing scene of Tom Cruise, as the Jewish investor, doing his ghetto money dance. 'Nuff said.
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