TV: America's Best Dance Crew
This week the challenges were Workout. Each dance team had to incorporate some form of workout move into their routine. I won't get into a detailed account like I did the previous post, but some teams seemed repetitious while others really surprised me. You can check out the each team's performance here, courtesy of MTV.
Quest started the show with their routine, "kickboxing". I really thought these theme was obvious one for them, and didn't expect to be blown away by their performance as I was. You just had absolute fun watching them perform. They used the theme of "video game fighting". Among the 7 crewmembers, 3 were dressed in red, and 3 in blue, while 1 stood in the middle acting as referee. I can't do it justice explaining so please check it out.
Now as for the judges... especially Lil' Mama and JC (gag)... WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?!?!??! They called Quests's performance mediocre and unimpressive. In fact JC said it was too "Tae-bo" for his taste, and that it wasn't choreographed enough. My only guess is he was googling himself to see how much unpopular he's been getting instead of paying attention to the show.
Worst off was that Lil' Mama agreed with him. Rightfully the audience booed them and their so called judgement. Shane West, probably the ONLY opinion that really matters, since he's an actual choreographer, retaliated by asking the two "are we watching the same show?" He was just as blown away as the rest of the audience and crediting them for many a fancy footwork and innovative moves.
If the judges continue to butcher the judging, this show is going to have to go on my axe list.
Friday, January 23, 2009 | 0 Comments
TV: America's Best Dance Crew 3

Season 3 kicks off with 9 crews and this season looks as if it might be a repeat of season 1... in a very good way. The edginess is back and the crews look really hot. Here's the rundown on each crew:
- Beat Freaks: An all female group that I had doubts about, simply because most female groups are stereotypical in that they perform a dance routine (like in cheerleading). There's nothing wrong with just a simple dance routine but compared to the breakdancing, pop and locking, drill, etc. it really doesn't stand out all that much. But Beat Freaks really really really blew everyone away, and even received a standing ovation from the judges. They pulled off breakdance moves that are rarely seen with girls. They're one of two of my favorites and I seriously think they have a chance at making it in the top 3.
- Boxcuttuhz: Lead by Lando, who assembled this team while teaching dance classes on the side throughout the country, they came on to the stage with little stage presence. I felt that they had really great moves, and there wasn't really anything horrible about them, but there was still something lacking. Lydia, the only female in the crew did a great job of keeping up with the crew with 6 other guys.
- Dynamic Edition: Uh... They're cloggers, from the midwest. I really don't want to discriminate against them or clogging, but I put them with the same category with girl dance teams. There really isn't much to them, and you can only clog your way through the competition so far.
- Fly Khicks: All girl dance team, that fits the stereotype I mentioned in the post with the first team. They're strictly just dance that does the occasional cartwheel and backflip while throwing in random sexy butt shaking moves. Oh, and don't forget the scantily dressed girls. *Yawn. Nothing we haven't seen before.
- GOP Dance: Out of Puerto Rico they made it to the states for this competition. Unfortunately they were the first to be eliminated. I didn't think they were worthy of being the first team designated as the losers, but what do I know right? They were okay. They had some fancy movies, but for the most party they just seemed disorganized. Felt like they were saying, "Okay! We have 3 minutes to show what we have so let's squeeze everything we know into those 3 minutes, without any real routine."
- Quest: My absolute favorite contender for this season. Probably because I've seen one of their dancers "Hok" from Fox's "So You Think You Can Dance." This guy alone is phenomenal, but you put him on a crew and you are blown away by their creativity and insane style. Can't wait to see what's to come from them for the rest of the season, and would love a dance off with them and Jabbawockeez.
- Ringmasters: Straight out of Brooklyn these guys have a different style of dance, flexing and contorting their bodies in ways that should not be possible. One guy twisted his arm a full 360! I'm more grossed out rather than impressed though. They're style is too wild and disorganized looking.
- Strikers All Stars: Dance crew specializing in stepping, they all met on their college campus and came together. Stepping is impressive but it gets a little repetitive for me after awhile. Unless they can make up for it with creativity they're gonna make it about halfway.
- Team Millenia: I put them on the same tier as Fly Khicks. Obviously they were good enough to make it on the show but compared to the likings of Ringmasters or Quest, they really don't stand a chance, unless they have a secret weapon. Really great dance moves, but nothing to put them apart. Between them and Fly Khicks, I'd go for Team Millenia. You can't win with sex appeal when it's up against hard hitting, street style dance moves.
Friday, January 16, 2009 | 0 Comments
MOVIE: Lars and the Real Girl
Lars is 27 years old and works a 9 to 5 job while he shares a cubicle. He goes home to the garage of his brother and sister-in-law's house. He doesn't have any friends. He hates being touched.
One day he decides to buy a lifesize sex toy and calls her Bianca. He doesn't use Bianca for the purposes as intended by the website. Instead he uses her as a companion. Toting her around everywhere on their dates, shopping, parties, etc. Their relationship grows and progresses and helps Lars to be more social and not so introverted.
Oddly enough the entire town comes together and helps to welcome Bianca. When Bianca becomes more independent they invite her to the hospital to read to the children. She goes out shopping with the girls.
By any means this movie should've been a comedy, or the new genre of "dramedy" (drama + comedy = dramedy). Look at the cover. It even suggests that there's a hint of comedy or dark humor in there. I've never been so depressed more in my life. Scratch that... I was more depressed watching Sideways, but you get the connection.
Watching Lars hit a delusional state by finding companionship in this sex doll was sad... in a really depressing pathetic way. Ryan Gosling's performance didn't help either. He just came off as a creepy delusional lonely guy, when he should've came off simply the lonely guy, you feel really bad for, for not having anyone in his life, and being abandoned by his older brother, when their father died. How do you screw that up?
I just couldn't connect to this movie. First I was sympathetic towards Lars, even when he got the doll, and the psychiatrist suggested to his family they play along, until he figures things out. But after awhile, it just got ridiculous and not at all enjoyable to watch.
Ryan Gosling can be placed in the large pool of actors/actresses who have the acting range of a teaspoon. He plays the same cocky, awkward, bored looking character almost everytime.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009 | 0 Comments
MOVIES: Tropic Thunder
Tugg Speedman (Ben Stiller) is an A-List actor on his way to becoming on the D-List.
Jeff Portnoy (Jack Black) is a comedic actor making fart movies, playing all of the characters in the movie in a fat suit.
Kirk Lazarus (Robert Downey Jr.) is an award winning method actor known for fully involving himself into each character he is casted in. 'Nuff said.
All three were actors were hired to play as a unit of soldiers based on the book pretty much Saving Private Ryan. But when the antics of the actors caused the movie to be behind production by a month (3 days into shooting) and over budget $100 million, the Director tries to get them to be more in character by dropping them off in the middle of the woods and scaring them with special effects to act more like soldiers.
Something goes horribly wrong and Tugg and his actor friends are caught by a gang of drug dealers and they still thing it's part of the movie.
By all means this movie should've been fucking hilarious. Like I should be rolling on the floor laughing, busting a gut. There were moments that were funny, and they should've used that as a momentum to lead up to something funnier than the one before, but it was a stop and go comedy. You'd chuckle here, then wait for it... wait for it... Chuckle. Nothing was absolutely hilarious. The previews were better than the movie in it's entirety.
However, there are only two things about this movie that are absolutely worth seeing. First is the opening sequence. They're mock previews and upcoming trailers of the actors in Tropic Thunder. Brilliant. Then there's the closing scene of Tom Cruise, as the Jewish investor, doing his ghetto money dance. 'Nuff said.
Monday, January 12, 2009 | 0 Comments
MOVIE: Oldboy
How am I going to explain this one...?
Based on the reviews, this is going to be one of those films that you're either going to absolutely love, or absolutely hate.
Dae-Su Oh was kidnapped and held captive for 15 years without knowing a clue as to why or who would do this to him. He lived for 15 years in a hotel room with nothing but a television and fried dumplings for meals. He was occasionally gassed to be knocked unconscious not knowing what was being done or why. He was however framed for the murder of his wife. Samples of his DNA and fingerprints were collected from his cell and then planted at the scene of the crime. His daughter survived.
Just as he was captured randomly, he was released randomly one day. Upon receiving a phone and a wallet from a random beggar, he meets a woman sushi chef, Mi-Do, and then receives a call from his captor stating he had 5 days to find out the reason why he was held captive, where he then promises to commit suicide if Dae-Su completes the challenge.
For the next 5 days, Mi-Do helps him uncover the disturbing secret of why her love, Dae-Su was kidnapped. An honest and immature mistake made back in high school.
First off, the style of the movie came off a bit odd to me, and upon some research discovered it was originally a manga, and then it made perfect sense. The movie is part of a three part series originally done in a Japanese manga. This is the second installment of the revenge themed series.
Director Chan-Wook Park delivers a disturbing but addicting film. You are deeply bothered by the underlying message of the film but are still drawn to each character, who are all dynamic and fucked up. I can't rave enough about the storyline. It's so original and captivating and haunting and pulls on all of your emotions. By the end of it you are left just as emotionally exhuasted as Dae-Su and anguished upon the final reveal which can never be replicated. It puts the Sixth Sense's ending to shame.
Beyond the sexuality and violence and sometimes dark humored moments, this film defies what makes a great film. This movie ironically carries the perfect formula for what makes a great film that will have you raving about it time after time. The camerawork, the direction, the pace, the characters, etc. In every aspect of it, this was absolute work of art.
The direction was a great pace. You were left at the edge of your seat waiting for the secret to fold out, but absolutely involved in each character wondering what will come of them next. Even the villainous Woo-Jin Lee, responsible for the imprisonment of Dae-su for 15 years. I have to say when you find out why Woo-Jin hired to have Dae-Su kidnapped, you can't help but to think, "Over-react much?" But I suppose you when you grow up to have money and power at your disposal, eccentricity follows.
Korean style of film is very different than American film. As are most movies done outside of the US. There aren't restrictions or "safety nets" set up on the topics or scenes of what can be in the movie. It's pretty much free reign. So it can be understood when some of the reviewers can't enjoy a foreign film when a certain topic/direction is introduced into a movie, that has never seen the light of day in American theaters. As long as you can watch this movie with an open mind and let go of the boundaries of where a movie can/should go, then you can definitely appreciate this film for what it is, and hopefully others. You'd be surprised at how safe and "G-Rated" American films are compared to outside of the box.
I'm hoping the rumors that Steven Spielberg and Will Smith are attempting the remake are false. I have no idea how they're going to pull this one off and I can't think of two more wrong people for this project. IF this were to be redone on American soil it needs to be done by Guy Ritchie/Richie (can't remember spelling, and too lazy to look up), Robert Rodriguez (based on works done in Sin City) and... David Fincher.
Monday, January 12, 2009 | 0 Comments
To All You Sports Fans:
I got into football last year while dating someone. I figured I used to be kind of a jock, why not learn to understand the most popular sport in this country? I was hooked. Then of course it was narrowed down to picking which team to root for. Like counselors/mentors, my fellow male co-workers each rounded up a list that was acceptable to say I was rooting for. Well, it didn't matter... being a former New Yorker, it was going to be the Giants.
What a year that was. They weren't doing so well previously and by some magic turnaround, they made it into the play offs in I don't know how long, and then by miracle of miracles... won the goddamn Super Bowl! I was deemed the Giants lucky charm by all fellow fans. So now I've converted to being a die hard fan.
Enough about that. My now ex was and is a die hard Jets fan (snicker). With the latest events surrounding the ever so famous Favre and his media circus he conducts... it's no surprise he ran his mouth better than he ran the game. When he first announced he was joining the Jets, my ex proudly stated that this would change the team. I stated that yes he is a great quarterback, but one man cannot change the dynamics of a team that much. They wouldn't make it into the play-offs. With bated breath I watched their final game. I'll admit, I thought they stood a chance.
Now what? After a humiliating season (most interceptions in one season), Favre is yet again warming up to do his media dance. I imagine him in a field of daisies plucking petals out going "Should I retire... Should I not retire... Should I retire..." He should've retired last year when he was with the Packers. He made it into the play-offs with a great team. His actions reflect the character of someone with low self-esteem trying to prove himself and everyone that he's fantastic. Dude... we know. Get over it.
This article hilariously accounts what is going on in dear old Favre's career as well as what to expect. Great read.
Wednesday, January 07, 2009 | 0 Comments