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MOVIE: Day the Earth Stood Still

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I reluctantly saw this one on Christmas. I was with mom and her boyfriend and kinda felt bad. I hardly see them and they were begging to see Valkyrie but I had already promised to see that with someone else. Feeling cornered I very reluctantly agreed to see emotionless Keanu Reeves act as an alien trying to teach us a lesson.

I gotta say... I was WILDLY surprised at how much I enjoyed this. I sat in the theater being a hardcore fan of the original and was expecting a bomb, but at the very least I still remained open-minded, which is how you should view this movie if you want to enjoy it. The graphics are phenomenal, even though I thought GORT was a little over the top.

The storyline changed quite a bit. The general tone of the movie was very different as well, but it was very fitting for something that would be likely happen today. When Klatu mysteriously arrives he is welcomed with scientists in hazmat suits, tanks, cops, guns pointed at him, helicopters, etc. Basically the movie sends the message that we're trigger happy Americans who want to shoot down anything that threatens it may be far more superior than we are.

This movie is worth checking out. The acting isn't spectacular but it isn't horrible. Who else would you cast to play an emotionless alien who doesn't understand the concept of human feelings. You're basically watching Neo, from Matrix, in a different environment and script. So if you have an interest in seeing this please go with an open-mind. If you're going in expecting an homage to the original you will be disappointed. This is more of an update on how it would spin if it were modern.


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