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Movie: Get Smart

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I'm a sucker for Steve Carrell. And recently joining the rest of the planet and finally watching the Office, I'm an even bigger fan. Plus the commercials for this one seemed damn funny.


The first thing that made me uncomfortable was the Steve Carrell and Anne Hathaway team up. I never watched the t.v. show but I knew that she was a love interest. It's kinda gross that he's old enough to be her father. Now, I know there have been plenty of pairs in Hollywood where the guy was old enough to be the father... But when you actually LOOK like a father it just doesn't sit well. Does that make sense?

The storyline was predictable. There is some international bomb threat going on, and there's a rat in the agency. Along the way enjoy in the follies and "slapstick" comedy as this spy tries to prove himself worthy of the agency. Blah blah blah.

Overall the movie was alright. It wasn't great. It wasn't horrible. Just mediocre. A few chuckle moments but nothing to have me roaring in laughter. But if there's nothing else on t.v. on a Sunday afternoon, and this happens to be on... It'll kill 2 hours for you.


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