Heroes: Season 3
So the highly anticipated series, Heroes, returned Monday night with a 2 hour special.
I don't know about anyone else but I was really disappointed. Let me start off with Claire. They totally mocked season 1 with her storyline in the first episode. ALL of season 1 was spent to protect the cheerleader so that Sylar doesn't become "immortal" and that gets disproven in one episode?!? Come on!
I'm thinking we'd be done with Sylar by now, but no. The sucker is still around. It's getting old. I hope they keep Sylar in that little room for awhile and focus more on Adam Monroe/Kensei Takezo. Just change something... anything. Because if you think about it... they've been running the same plotline since season one. Yes, yes the world is in danger. Yes the cheerleader has something to do with it. Yes everyone is intertwined in some way. Yes the company is out to ruin everyone in some way. I feel like a lot has happened in the season and at the same time nothing has changed.
You know what... someone needs to die! I thought Nikki was gone for good and was glad, because to be honest she annoyed me. She didn't really have a power, she just a severe mental disorder a.k.a. multiple personality disorder. The Petrelli brothers were each supposed to die, and ended up living by some miracle... oh yes that's right Claire's blood. Does that mean all of the characters are going to live throughout the series?
As much as I complain I will probably end up watching all the episodes. So I'll come back when there's something worth mentioning. But here are my predictions:
- Hiro is going to be chasing that girl for the formula for the whole season.
- If it doesn't happen during the season finale it'll happen close to it: Ando and Hiro will have a face to face battle.
- Future Peter is going to spend the whole season fixing his mistake.
- Present Peter is going to be stuck with those gang of convicts for quite some time.
- Mrs. Petrelli might end up being evil and take Sylar under her wing, can't tell yet.
- Mohinder might actually die, or he'll create a cure for his side effect and end up coming up with a cure for the virus.
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